Route information (30th of August 2022)
Status Ended, September 2021 - August 2022
Driving setup On-demand
Amount of shuttles 2 Navya shuttles
Autonomous driven KMs 5872 KM
Carried passengers 1659 Passengers
Project partners Movia, Region Sjælland, Region Hovedstaden, Slagelse Sygehus, Metroselskabet, Slagelse Kommune, AVENUE & SHOW
Moving mobility at Hospitals
Moving along with the potential of implementing autonomous and flexible transportation, Slagelse hospital is where this pilot takes place. The project is led by Movia, Metroselskabet, Region Sjælland and Region Hovedstaden with the aim to test autonomous operation.
Holo is the collaboration partner in charge of operating the shuttles, which drive on the route. This site is also part of the large EU-funded research and innovation project AVENUE. Along with Luxemborg, Geneva, Lyon and former Copenhagen, Slagelse is now also one of the cities where the self-driving mobility solutions are implemented.
This pilot aims to test self-driving technology as better mobility solutions for patients, employees and visitors. The autonomous shuttles will collect valuable data, and we will gain experience in order to move mobility forward. Besides operating the shuttles, Holo is also in charge of implementing on-demand, a technical improvement of user experience. This puts us one step closer to the mobility solutions of the future. This pilot's main objective is to gain experience and learnings on using on-demand service in everyday life.
This pilot takes place on public roads around Slagelse Hospital, and is running from 15th of September 2021. The project ended at the end of August 2022.

Phase two, on-demand as a service
The pilot is part of a project in two phases, where gaining experience on better mobility at hospitals is at focus. Phase one was conducted during the summer of 2018, on an indoor route at Køge Hospital. You can read about this project here.
Using the experience from phase one, phase two has multiple purposes in connection to further develop relevant learnings at another route. By implementing autonomous shuttles, this pilot can influence the development of self-driving technologies for collective transportation in Denmark. Most importantly is the implementation of on-demand service. Our on-demand service is part of Holo Platform, which you can read more about here.
As a part of phase two of this project, Holo is in charge of introducing ‘on-demand’ operations in the shuttles. This means that Holo are working towards the shuttle to only drive to stops where there are passengers, who have ordered the shuttle, or to stops where passengers have asked to be dropped off.
This does not mean that the shuttle will drive on any alternative routes. Instead it will be possible for the bus to skip one or more stops, as well as deviate from certain parts of the route, e.g. entry into one or more parking areas or exit from parking areas will take place to left, instead of right. In principle this means that the shuttle can take short cuts and move passengers through the shortest possible route.
Carrying out the pilot on public roads, we get to earn experience on shuttle behavior for future mobility solutions.In this second phase of the Hospital Pilot Project, two autonomous shuttles will be deployed on a route between the different departments at Slagelse Hospital. The route runs from the Psychiatric Hospital in East to the section of Hemodialysis in west, via the public road Fælledvej.