
Holo offers comprehensive services for implementing and deploying autonomous vehicles, both on the ground and in the air. Whether taking full responsibility for a project or collaborating with local partners, Holo guides customers and vendors through every stage, from business development and planning to full-scale operations.

Contact us for more information about the services described below.

Business Development

  • Holo will work with companies that want to expand existing mobility and logistics services using autonomy - or companies that want to establish something brand new using autonomy.

    Holo can help define what the requirements of an autonomous service should be. How far do you want to fly or drive? How many passengers or much freight do you want to carry? Where is the best location and when is the best time to operate? Holo has experience answering all these questions and more.

  • Holo has continuous dialogues with vendors of autonomous vehicles and autonomous software. Holo maintains an up-to-date overview of market maturity and development of different vendors - and the availability and pricing of vehicles and software. 

    Holo can provide you with an overview of the market, from the unique perspective of a company actually operating vehicles. Holo’s experience as an operator, means that Holo’s network of vendors gives you access to industry leaders and their market-leading technology.

  • Holo has extensive experience creating balanced contracts with autonomous vehicle vendors that guide project structure, delegate risk, and cost to the right partners in a project.

    Holo can help you create the right contracts and service level agreements for your autonomous project, to make sure that every project partner takes responsibility for the right tasks and the appropriate amount of risk - within their area of expertise.

  • Holo has a lot of experience applying for additional funding from various sources focused on autonomy, technology, transportation innovation, urban development, or similar. This includes both domestic funding across Scandinavia and EU funding.

    Holo has also managed the administrative processes that often come with innovation funding - and we’re ready to do it in new projects.


  • Getting autonomous vehicles approved for operations is not a straightforward process. The process is different in every country and the rules are still evolving as ‌authorities learn more about autonomous vehicles. 

    From our work to get vehicles approved for Holo’s own projects in the Nordic countries, Holo has gained extensive experience in getting autonomous vehicles approved and in managing the homologation process with local authorities.

  • Approval of projects operating autonomous vehicles is granted for selected routes/areas. Holo works closely with customers to find the best route and to deliver route documentation as part of an approval process. 

    Holo’s experience means that applications contain all the needed information in terms of traffic rules and planned vehicle behavior.

  • Holo is skilled in leading the process of conducting a thorough risk assessment of the selected route and implementing necessary mitigations to ensure a safe operation. 

    This includes developing a setup for crisis management to have clear processes when incidents and accidents happen.

  • Holo can provide training of safety drivers and supervisors for specific vehicles and specific routes, to ensure the risk assessment is implemented in operations. Training can include lessons in operating and monitoring autonomous vehicles or drones, collecting data for reporting, troubleshooting, handling emergencies (including first aid certification, etc).

    The lessons included in the training will be tailored to the specific needs of a project.

  • Holo has extensive experience in assisting vehicle vendors in mapping routes and deploying vehicles. Holo has the local knowledge to ensure that all relevant rules are followed and that performance is optimised.

    Holo can also assist in updating a route after operations begin, based on feedback collected from safety drivers, passengers, route owners, or authorities.


  • Holo provides trained and motivated safety stewards on-site to manage and monitor autonomous vehicles, handle related operational tasks, and do troubleshooting, either inside or outside the vehicle. 

    Safety stewards have all the relevant certifications needed to be compliant with the permissions for a route. This could include a bus driver’s license, first aid training, etc.

  • Holo provides trained and motivated drone pilots, for both on-site and remote flying, to manage and monitor flights, handle related operational tasks, and do troubleshoot. 

    Our pilots have all the relevant certifications needed to be compliant with the permissions for a route. This could include relevant drone certificates, first aid training, firefighting, etc.

  • Documenting compliance with the approval of autonomous vehicles towards local authorities is increasingly important - as safety standards and rules are becoming more mature. 

    Holo has built a strictly managed process for making updates to both documentation based on operational experience, or to the operational setup while keeping in line with the application and permits for the route.

  • Holo’s supervision team can provide monitoring of operations with 1st line and 2nd line support for in-vehicle safety stewards and on-site technicians. 

    Our supervision helps with troubleshooting, emergencies, configuration, and other relevant tasks and plays an important role in maximising up-time for a route and getting the most out of the autonomous vehicles.

  • Holo’s maintenance team has extensive training and hands-on experience with multiple autonomous vehicles - on the ground and in the air. With a fully structured process for issue reporting, work orders and interventions Holo can document every maintenance action taken on autonomous vehicles we service and keep compliant with both vehicle vendor requirements and authority requirements.

    Time to resolution, costs, and process can be made completely transparent for a customer. Holo can also handle spare part pick & pack, storage, invoicing, inventory management, and warranty returns for you from our warehouses. Never again lose track of any spare part. We are able to ship and receive parts anywhere in the world 24/7.

  • Holo has extensive experience in collecting, summarising, visualising, and analysing data from autonomous vehicles in operation. Holo can provide a set of customisable dashboards that lets any customer track and analyse the performance of autonomous vehicles in detail. 

    These dashboards are built on Holo’s extensive experience and are continually updated based on customer feedback. Reach out if you want to see examples of dashboards and discuss what integrations we currently support and what we are planning to add in the future.

Want to know more?

For more information about the services we can provide for you please feel free to contact our Chief Business Development Officer.


Christian Zinckernagel