Route information (21st of December 2021)
Status Ended, August 2020 - February 2021
Driving setup Route operation
Amount of shuttles 1 Navya shuttle
Autonomous driven KMs 2416 KM
Carried passengers 1579 Passengers
Project partners CPH City & Port Development, Homeowners' association Århusgadekvarteret, Region Hovedstaden, Movia, Metroselskabet & AVENUE.
Testing autonomous mobility solutions in a new way
The citizens of Copenhagen can jump into a self-driving minibus, since the seafront area Nordhavn is a part of the large EU-funded research and innovation project AVENUE. The self-driving bus will show how new technology can connect an urban area in a safe and sustainable way.
Parallel with Luxembourg, Geneva and Lyon, Copenhagen will be one of the cities where the self-driving mobility solutions of the future is demonstrated and implemented. Sustainability and innovation is in focus in the Nordhavn district, so it makes perfect sense to start building a sustainable transport platform in Nordhavn as well.
After waiting a long time on getting the approval, we could finally start preparing when we on March 19th 2020 received the final approval from the Danish Road Directorate! Everything was now in place for the project to move forward and for the vehicle to roll out.
On August 3rd 2020, the route was launched and opened for passengers to come onboard.
During the 7 months of driving on the route in Nordhavn, we received many learnings, from the route which was integrated in real life traffic. We got to experience how our daily operation would interact with both bicycles, trucks, and other obstacles.
In total we got to drive more than 2400 kilometers, and moved more than 1500 drivers around.
Short period of operations
Due to the missing possibility to expand or change the route, we decided with our partners that we couldn’t fulfill goals and learnings with the available route.
The route had six stops around the Nordhavn area and travelled in a continuous loop via Murmanskgade, Sandkaj, Gøteborg Plads, Sandkaj, Karlskronagade, Bilbaogade, Århusgade and Helsinkigade.
By connecting these locations with the nearby train station and local parking facilities, the area will become more accessible for everyone and connect Nordhavn within its own district, as well as within the greater Copenhagen area.
Holo is overall responsible for the Copenhagen based part of the AVENUE project in close collaboration with CPH City & Port Development, Homeowners' association Århusgadekvarteret, The City of Copenhagen, Movia and Copenhagen Metro.
The AVENUE consortium consists of 16 partners from 7 European countries. Holo is the only Danish partner in the project.